Welcome Forums Requests Uploadable character sprite sheets.

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  • #585
    James Nick

    I know this would take some time, or maybe A LOT of time but I would like to know if this will be implemented even if it’s not on the near updates. I’ve made a few sprites for my old old old games. Since I found out that the sprite sheets were made by REFMAP, I checked my sister’s old files because she made a few rpg games before and I found the whole character set! (including the animals). It uses 3 sprites for walking and all 4 sides of the character. I made 2 characters because I was bored and thought of uploadable sprite sheets. If this gets implemented, I will make a free service for those who wants their own custom characters but uh, my characters aren’t really good. lol

    Here’s the 2 Characters I made.
    Ayano Kokona
    Note: I made these characters by editing a few character sets and combined the body parts to make a completely new character so that they would fit perfectly on the game.

    -James Nick

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by James Nick. Reason: Photos not showing up
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by James Nick.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by James Nick.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by James Nick.
    James Nick

    They are from the “Yandere Simulator” game. Incase they don’t look familiar. lol

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