Welcome Forums Requests RPG Playground NPC's


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  • #179

    This is an amazing website! However some things I really REALLY want that would make this game designer even more fun would be to make combatable monsters and a combat system as well as adding a movement system that can be easily coordinated so that NPC’s can walk in a specified area around the map. Thank you again for making this great designer.
    -Elliot K


    First of all, thanks for being the first person to post in this forum!

    Combat is on my list, but I haven’t decided which battle system to use. So if you have a favorite combat system, or refer to a game with the best combat system, let me know!

    In one of the next releases an action will be added to the screenplays, to tell an NPC to walk towards a certain location. Is this what you want?



    Yeh, really is amazing but needs lots o’ tweaks these days…other then that 3.6/5 in rating..

    ekryger 1

    I think a good combat system would be to have a variable for the heroes life such as 10. And then add a variable for NPC health. Add a variable for defense and dodging added by armor. Then another variable for the equipped weapon of both npc and hero. Make it roughly turn based, in which it is not in a separate map but rather one hits then the other. I believe this would be a realistic and easy to use combat system.
    -Elliot K


    Nice suggestion with the variables!

    For the turn based system, you probably mean something like the combat in Chrono Trigger (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXcl38zbqmw for example). I personally also like this, because the transition from action to turn based is really close to each other, and I could provide both systems so that everyone could choose which one they want in their game.


    Yes! While I was typing that I totally thought of Chrono Trigger, it’s a great system. Also, about the coordinated movement. I thought of something such as the option to give NPC’s the ability to move randomly in a specific area. (example, in a 5×5 area a soldier could move say… up 1 and right 2. Then stay for a few seconds) For a more action based system I was thinking of maybe a system relative to Zelda and for a more turn based I was thinking perhaps based upon the aforementioned game Chrono Trigger. Or traditional turn based such as Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy

    -Elliot K

    VVD Designer

    Not to be negative and disagree with Elliot K but I would prefer a combat system similar to Zenonia. Instead of a turn based style I would prefer an NPC will notice you within a 5 by 5 block. When the NPC notices you they walk/run to you so they can attack. Now instead of having a turn based style action moves take a couple seconds to recharge.

    I would like the character to stay in the world their already in (like Zenonia) instead of going to a battle field every time they want to battle.

    -Shane K

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by VVD Designer.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by VVD Designer.


    I saw some YouTube videos with Zenonia combat, but it seems to me it is purely action based, like Zelda. Am I looking at the wrong version of Zenonia? It is indeed possible that within an action based system, some (magic) attacks need to recharge.

    Good think that you both like staying in the current level when combat starts, and not going to a separate battle screen. I also like the former much better.



    Why not go with a classic RPG style gameplay, or even Final Fantasy. They seem like they would work, but it would require a short view change, which might cause problems.
    Also, have you thought about making an inventory? How about different mugshots for each character? Ex., crying, smile, normal. But most importantly, what about name Tags? Not above the character, but when you are talking to them, they have Name, then speech. Just a thought.

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