Welcome Forums Off-topic Plot Writing

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    hi Guys,

    does anyone of you use plotwriters ? like to build the story around your game ?

    I have tonns of ideas but everything is super random and chaotic – all together would be amazing but needs to linked with a story and a progression etc and so i was wondering if you guys use some “plan” software ?

    I found ywriter and it seems interesting as you can create scenes, caracters, chapters and even variables to use. (maybe some addon/plugin idea for RPGPlayground?)

    How do you guys manage your plot ?  Is it some “spontanous” creative process or how does it look on your side ?

    Curious to see how you guys do !  😀


    I just use excel lol.


    Deluxe 4 step plot making process:

    1. Have a basic concept

    2. Grab headphones

    3. Listen to music until the pieces click

    4. Do


    I know the base of the story I want to tell, and the way characters talk and act. So I spontaneously make up dialogue however I see fit depending on the character/situation.

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