Welcome Forums Requests Do you prefer action or adventure?

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  • #250

    I was just wondering what kind of functionality you want first? Action or adventure?

    Action means fighting with monsters, pick up health potions, and possibly die.

    Adventure means better support for screenplays. Complex conversations, item management, cutscenes at the start of a level, etc.


    Hard choice, but I’ll go with Adventure. I can make a point-and-click adventure without fighting, but it’s hard to have a fighting adventure without conversations, items, etc.

    VVD Designer

    I agree with Beager. Having a more in-depth screenplay and creating items will enhance a game tremendously. If you create the items before it will build the fighting aspect of the game better as well because you can have better weapons or items for the enemy to drop.

    Twitter: @StarGStudios

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by VVD Designer.

    I’m currently writing a ‘roadmap’ that lists all future functionality. This will give a more detailed view on which features will be included in the ‘action’ and ‘adventure’ releases. It might influence your choice of which one you want first.


    A bit of both i think would be great.


    Action! I’d like to see fighting and weapons!


    Honestly? Action. You can be more creative, add more things for Action. Its a larger job than Adventure, but a lot more fruitful. I can foresee magic,, spells and effects and overall monster slaying. It will make this look a lot more complete even if its not. Adventure means that we are still limited to only one thing. If we are limited like this (just talking and/or being given choices) it will seem more drab than if we get a taste of everything else. But, as long as you work on something, life is good!

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